Sunday, August 29, 2010

Artsy Animals

Last weekend at Highwood Antique's Market, we met a very interesting character. Michael Hodesh from A Vintage Poster Bank, out of Cincinnati Ohio.  He was a very friendly and colorful person.  He traveled to Chicago with his huge poodle, Duke, in a vintage trailer. I wanted to share some of his artwork. 

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This is Michael, who thought it would be funny to pose next to this huge rooster, but he didn't call it a rooster, if you know what I mean.

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This is Duke, on the lookout.  At times, he would stick his head through the window and bark at the little dogs across the way.   

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This is a close up to show you what he make his animals out of.  Old metal pieces off signs and other salvaged things.  Way to recycle Michael! 

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                           When pigs fly, a lot of things are going to happen!

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I love these guys!  It would be a dream come true to actually own a donkey.  This in not what I have in mind, but they are a really cute, maintenance free substitute.

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If you would like to contact this artist, check out his website of vintage posters and drop him a message.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cookies at Highwood

Mom made a couple batches of our family's amazing sugar cookies for the Highwood show.  We gave one to all our customers.  They were our way of saying "thank you".  They turned out so cute, and, as always, they were delicious. 

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We make these cookies for parties and special occasions...they have become very popular!

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Stop buy our tent at Grayslake and get one with your purchase! 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Highwood Street Market

highwood street market / June 26 & 27 / presented by randolph street market

We will be at the Highwood Street Market this weekend.  Come see us!

Saturday 10-6

Sunday 10-4

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Etsy Chicken's

Since we recently did a post on Annie's chickens, I thought it would be fun to show some of the great chicken finds available on Etsy.  Anne mentioned a few really cute baskets and such that she came across. Here's just some of what we found.  First, I'll start with vintage feed sacks.  These things are so versatile!  I have seen them used as pillows, totes, chair covers, even cushions.

Chick Feed Sack Pillow  
This adorable pillow speaks for it's self.  It is so cute!  It is available in CatNapCottage on Etsy.  This artist has tons of great pillows to choose from, 111 to be exact!

RedComb feedsack pillow
I can't get enough of these feed sack pillows.  This one is fabulous.  It is available in LeslieJanson's shop on Etsy.  She has great stuff, be sure to check out her shop!  

Block printed hen pillow

This is available from BlockHeadPress on Etsy.  I love the simplicity of it.  This shop has lot's of great pillows!

Hubbard's Feedsack Tote
Feed sacks aren't just for pillows!  When I say I'm in love with this tote, it is an understatement!  It is so, so adorable.  It is available on GinnyMae's shop on Etsy.  She has tons of great things, be sure to check out the other totes and pillows available too.   

The gathering apron
Ok, how great is this apron.  Such a clever designer!  I could use this to go around the house to "gather" all the stuff that ends up on the floor throughout the day.  It is called the "gathering apron".  It is available in the shop FrogCreekCottage on Etsy.

The eggsential tote
Like the apron above, Anne could use this basket for collecting her chicken's eggs. This basket will keep them all safe, and check out the adorable fabric's it's available in.  It is called the Eggesential tote, clever!  You can get yourself one of these at TheDizzyBobbin on Etsy.   
 Side view Eggsential Tot
Hello, see what I mean, adorable!  I just love it.

Chicken Pendant
Ok, I couldn't leave out jewelry.  This pendant is fabulous.  Check out all the other pendants at this shop, there are tons to choose from, and all are so cute.  This is from Nakisha, on Etsy.  She makes really great stuff!

Chicken magnets
Love these!  This site on Etsy, CrowBiz's,  has awesome old prints, that they do really cool things too.  Check their shop out, there is something for everyone. 

 Chicken Yard
This artist is amazing!  Cari Humphry is her name, and she has the most vibrant, and fun artwork.  All, of which is so, so reasonable.  What I love most about her, is that she names her animal subjects.   

Annie the cow
Ok, my sister is not a cow, but this cow is named Annie.  I couldn't resist, isn't she adorable!!  This artist does lots of farmyard animals, and other subject matter to, like trains, cowboys, cars, tomatoes, etc.  Check out ArtPaperGarden, or Peacockgarden's on Etsy.  

These are just a few of our favorite chicken finds on Etsy.  You should visit these artist's shops, they are all very talented and have tons to offer!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fun Finds

Check out these old drawers I picked up this weekend.

So cool. I'm going to have such a hard time parting with these. They look like they came out of some old factory or shop.

I also picked up a couple of old fruit crates.  I especially love this apple crate.  Looks like Kenya likes it too.  

Does anybody else love this as much as me? I know it is silly, but the 1950's label is so great!    

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Road Trip to Junk Bonanza 09'

Last September, we went to the annual Junk Bonanza in Shakopee, Mn.  We had never been before so did not know what to expect. Let's just say, we were very happy!  It was actually the best antique/junk market we had ever been to.  The displays were all fabulous!!  We turned the entire weekend into a mini getaway.  On the way home, we drove down the Mississippi River through Red Wing, and Winona, Mn. My alma mater was Saint Mary's of Winona, and my brother attended St. Thomas in St. Paul. Minnesota.  I feel very lucky to of gone to college in such a beautiful area. 

Tattered Tiques 034Outside of the market were huge trailers filled with all sorts of fall goodies.

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I love old watch and clock parts.  These look great just massed in a large jar, but under a cloche, even better!

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It looks like Anne is casting a spell on this globe.  Perhaps it is so it doesn't go home with me.  I own a ton! 

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There is something about antique croquet that I just love, probably the great colors!  Also pictured, antique pennants, they look so cute hung on a wall, or turned into a pillow.  I was very excited to score a bunch on my last trip to Eagle River.

Tattered Tiques 044Vintage maps are another one of my favorite things.  I have seen them turned into window shades, which is what I have planned for my son's room.

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After the show, we headed into Minneapolis and Saint Paul to do some exploring of shops.  

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These shops were loaded with tons of great things. 

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We drove down to Redwing, Mn. and stopped at a farmer's market that was going on. 

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                                                     Sun flowers are so cheery.

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I love this picture. A pick up truck filled with corn and other produce. Adorable!  I bet this combo would make a good corn salsa!

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Stockholm Wisconsin is definitely worth a stop.  There are tons of great shops in the town.  It was such an adorable place. The next set of pictures were taken in Stockholm.

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                   You can rent these bikes to ride around town.

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Lots of grapevine along the fences in town. 

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                            What a cute advertising idea.

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A humpty dumpty sculptor in a small garden.  Each piece was for sale.  They were so great.

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You get the idea.

Tattered Tiques 109We took a ride to find the apple orchard in town.  There was not much going on yet. It is called Maiden Rock Winery and Cidery.

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This was the most beautiful, gigantic pumpkin!


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Lake Pepin is a very large and beautiful lake.  When I was in college and would drive up to visit my brother, I used to enjoy watching the Bald Eagles on the icy shore of the lake. They would sit on the ice and fish.  It was such an amazing thing to watch.  In the warmer months, you can see them soaring everywhere. 

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Motorcycle rally's were all up and down the highway. They filled the little towns.  It was really quite cool!

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Ahhh, the beautiful bluffs. 

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On the way back, we came upon a great pumpkin stand. Everything was marked and you just kept track of what you had, and left the money in a box.  You've got to love the honor system, you don't bug anyone, and no one bugs you.

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This pumpkin made a beautiful back drop for the farmer's market bouquet mom picked up.

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One of our last and favorite stops was in the town of Pepin.  We stopped for a snack at this adorable cafe.

Everything about this place was appealing.  It was wonderful and so warm and welcoming.  We could tell that Julie Ellwell, the owner, was very creative and crafty. Look at her welcome sign, so cute.

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                   They served your pie on individual cake stands.  Awesome!!

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In case your wondering our route back, I thought I'd give a brief description of what we did after Junk Bonanza.   We drove up to  Minneapolis/St. Paul, then headed down to Red Wing Mn and spent the night there.  In the morning, we explored Red Wing, then headed across the river, on US Hwy 63 to the Wisconsin side.  We took State Road 35 down the river, which is also called "The Great River Road".  This is where we encountered all the great little towns along the way.  We then crossed back over the river on 54 to get to Winona, Minnesota.  After reminiscing about my college days, we headed down hwy. 61 towards LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and crossed back over the river, and caught interstate 90, which took us home. 

This year's Junk Bonanza in on September 16th, 17th and 18th.  We are in the process of planning our trip now.  I suggest you do the same, you won't be disappointed. We are actually leaving on Wednesday night and coming back on Thursday night, I'm interested to see how much we can cram into one day!! Let us know if you have any questions! Check out the link to the website for Junkbonanza.  You can get all sorts of information on the show.